This week was great but so busy! I finally have the time to update my blog... Over the weekend (Last weekend) I went up to Morgan (not Oregon) for my cousins baptism and I had so much fun! It was great to see everyone and I just love all of my cousins they are so cute, and great to be around. On Friday grandma and Mindy came to Provo to pick me up, when we got to Morgan we went to a basketball game. It was really fun to be there I saw Becky and Jon, Dan and Diane, Grandma Grandpa and Steph, and Natalie and Justin. Saturday was Rachel's baptism (which was awesome) and then later that night the Wheelwrights took me with them and we went to Ogden to watch The Fantastics! It was amazing and performed well. On Sunday was Rachels confirmation. We went to church and Mindy, Austin, Tyson and I sang a musical number in sacrament while becky played the piano. Then we had soups at Mindy's house. Grandma made chicken noodle soup and I shared mine with Chaselyn. ;)

After the party at Mindy's I went with Cam to her aunts house to watch the superbowl. It was fun and enjoyable... Oh and Uncle Andrew got me some pepper spray so my dad could be satisfied that I was safe, how cute is that?
This week was crazy busy I had a test, Cleaning checks, and lots of homework to get done but I finished it all!!! Oh and My dad left for SAMOA on Tuesday with the rest of his brothers, and his dad. How unfair is that?
Today was a lot of fun as well... I woke up to my phone crashing to the ground and Brianna (scared from the noise) gasping for air. It was so funny, but not at the moment. Bri and I went to the mall for a little while and then ended up over at Morgans to play games with her and Josh. We played phase ten and Josh won, but only because he cheated...
Oh and random but I love this picture of Bri, Steph, Colleen, and me!
It is so nice to have familay close by. Family makes even horrible days seem bearable and good days even better!!!