Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The perks of being a wallflower...

Okay maybe "the perks of being a catering worker" would be more correct but not a catchy, right? Well today I worked the BYU basketball game and it was awesome on many accounts! I was working right near the court so we (all the catering people) could hear everything going on. We also had some important guests come to eat...
Elder Perry
Elder Christofferson
and BYU's very own President Samuelson
Although we were there from BYU to cater the food was provided by Ruby River and they left some food for the catering workers to eat so after cleaning up and finishing our shift we were able to eat some free food from Ruby River (Steak, Chicken, Potatoes, Broccoli, and Bread pudding). It was all pretty good but the Teriaki Chicken was my favorite! I love my job and the fun that comes with it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

There comes a time...

When studying is the last thing you want to do and you just take your test. Well I reached that point and am proud to announce that I am done with my finals for the semester!!!! Yes, they will return (they are quite persistent) but I have a few months to enjoy in the meantime...

I got a new job! I will be TA'ing' for multicultural education, I'm so excited!

Guess what!? Elder Perry was attending the event I served at today! Yes, my job is great.

Friday, December 2, 2011


The second half of this week has been an interesting one...

On Wednesday I asked my father if I could borrow the car and he said it was fine. While driving him to work we stopped at a gas station so he could get a drink. As we were leaving the parking lot a driver (Not paying attention at all) hit the car! Nobody got hurt (except the car) but it was still not a comfortable feeling for me... It was not my fault but I was part of a car accident!!! Shocking I know...
Here is the damage
Well after the police came and made a report I took my father to work and hurried on my way to school so as not to be late for class. After class I had to hurry and get ready for the dance lab, my 380 class performed a west coast swing routine during the dance lab. I messed up at the very beginning but other then that it went well.
On Thursday I had medals exams! I tested for my Bronze Latin and my Social Gold classes. For Latin I danced the Rumba and the Samba, I passed with honors and am now qualified to teach it (if for some reason I ever decide to). For Social I danced the Cha-Cha, West Coast Swing, Waltz, and Tango! It was so much fun and I scored the highest score in my class ending up with a rating of high honors!!!! It was really fun for me and I got quite excited!
Then today we had a party in my class and I made some delicious cupcakes! After the party I came home and worked on my IP&T homework and I am proud to say that I only have one more thing to do before I am done with that class forever!!! Ohhh there is one more piece of news but I think I will wait for just a little bit longer before divulging...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Two weeks ago was BYU's DanceSport competition I competed in three events: 380 Waltz, 185 Samba, and 285 Rumba.

I didn't do too well in waltz and rumba but with samba my partner and I got to the quarter-finals before getting cut! It was so much fun... I fail at taking pictures of myself but I did remember my camera during the quarter-final and had a friend take a picture (she only got one that was good)
And here is a video of my partner and I practicing... I didn't get a video during the competition :(

Friday, November 18, 2011

I like the sound of this...

So I saw this trailer tonight and I really want to go see this one when it comes out!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cooking Blog

Hey All,
I just started a cooking blog if you are interested, it is mainly so that I can keep track of the recipe's I have used and enjoy... if you would like to see any of the recipe's they are located at http://corrineicalsofthekitchen.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 5, 2011


So I saw this really cute idea for some Halloween Cookies and decided to give it a try... I just used the recipe from the website, but it was a good one and my cookies turned out sooooo cute!

I also made pancake ghost's for breakfast! They were delicious.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Your Information...

Now maybe those of you reading this don't have this problem but I've been hearing it so much recently and I just thought I would share my opinion (I'm quite opinionated so it happens often)

Oftentimes (Often times) is not a word!!! People sound silly using that utterance and I cringe whenever I hear it. Oft times or often are perfect substitutes but oftentimes has never and will never work.

I found this explanation online (Yes I wanted to make sure I was right):
In terms of English grammar rules, it is impossible for "oftentimes" to be a real word. "Often" is an adverb. "Times" is a noun. Adverbs do not modify nouns. "Sometimes" works, however, because "some" is an adjective, while "times" is a noun. Adjectives modify nouns. Just because people use "oftentimes" does not make it correct. The correct terms to use in its place are "often" and "frequently."

One more thing "anyways" is also incorrect, it should be "anyway"

So there you have it, two of my grammar peeves in one post!!

**I am in no way saying that I never make mistakes while speaking the English language. In fact, i'm sure I make quite a few. If you want to correct me go ahead and I will fix it! These are just some things that bother me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yesterday was plain awful...

...and it was only Tuesday!
Events of the day...

I wake up and my computer isn't finishing the security scan (oh and I'm pretty sure I have a virus it just hasn't done anything but take up space as far as I can tell...)

Then as I'm finishing laminating my stressful PETE212 signs my shoe breaks... Not too bad, they were old shoes but now I have to walk around campus barefoot (Not that I actually minded that)
An hour later while I was in dance class my dance shoe broke, now this was getting annoying!
Then I had to go to the computer lab to do some homework (I was on campus from 8:00-6:00) so I ended up leaving for the creamery on ninth...
All I wanted was some french bread... would you believe they didn't have any!? So I rode from the McKay Building to the Creamery for nothing!!!

I then decided I was going home to drop off my school stuff and then I would ride my bike to Smiths for some french bread, luckily they had some. On my way back home with french bread in tow part of my bike seat broke off!!
I then proceeded to make dinner, I had no time to spare I was meeting with the bishop at 7:30. I put all the stuff for spaghetti sauce into my blender and it wouldn't start! How frustrating right!? As my mom said when I was on the phone with her (This has to tell you how upset I was I HATE talking on the phone!) When it rains it pours...

I can only hope today will be better...

Monday, July 11, 2011


I have been asked so many times what I am doing this Summer and really I have nothing to do, no classes and no job so I am free to do a whole lot of nothing with occasional activities thrown in so here is what I have been busy doing...

My family moved to Utah and until they have a place to put it I get to keep the piano in my house so I have been practicing and, hopefully, improving...
My wonderful Aunt Angie helped me to make a swimsuit!
I decided I was going to learn how to decorate a cake so I made a cake, a fondant, and frosting and this is what my first attempt ended up looking like... (It didn't taste so bad either)

Trying new hair styles and nail styles
(So I haven't tried this yet but I will when my hair is longer)
Making cards and super cute book marks

I have also been reading a lot of books (almost a book a day) I'm about out of ideas for what to read so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!!

Oh and Happy 7-11 day Hope you all enjoyed your slurpee's I know I did!

Monday, June 6, 2011


So here are the pictures I promised from grandma and grandpas anniversary...

Here is grandma and grandpa dancing! It was so cute...

Can't forget my adorable cousins, I love these kids!

Grandma and Grandpa with me...

Here is the amazing cake that Uncle Andrew made (He is great right?)

Megs stole my camera for a little while and when she came back she told me that she took pictures of important things so that I wouldn't forget them while I was at college.
Of course there is a picture of Megan...

One of Joe...
One of my father...
One of my mother...
and last but not least one of Jesus Christ. Isn't she so cute to make sure I don't forget him?

One of the things I love about Morgan... my grandparents were celebrities for a few days!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring is a Wonderful Thing...

I LOVE spring semester!!! I have the best classes and it is just great. I had a group presentation for my Writing 313 class and we had to come up with a lesson plan for fifth graders that was centered on poetry. We decided to teach about the Korean Sijo in comparison to the Japanese Haiku. It is a three line poem with 14-16 syllables in each line. The first line sets up the situation. The second line is called the turn and helps to develop the story. The last line is a twist in the phrase, meant to surprise the audience. Here is an example that we found to show the class and then the Sijo that we invented as a class...


A single sole was lost today, deep in the river Yalu,
Thrashing, twisting, torn to shreds with color quickly fading.
On the bridge a small boy laughs, holding our his empty shoe.

The family was in the car the kids squished in the backseat.
Pushing, poking, punching, fists flying, emotions were high.
Parents turned back to sleeping kids and turned Kung Fu Panda off.

I managed to sprain my foot yesterday... Yes my foot not my ankle. Imagine that I make it through the ice and snow in the winter and the rain messes me up!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

For Mom

I love you mom, Happy mother's day!!!! :)

I've watcher you dear mother each day of my life. I've seen how your smile through the joy and the strife. I've needed your love and have known you were there. I've seen how you help to bring answers to prayes. The world that surrounds me is blind and unsure, But with you as my mother, I'm safe and secure. Then I wonder why, and give thanks that I was chosen to be your daughter.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Goodbye dear tree...
This tree has been around for as long as I can remember. But recently grandpa decided he needed to cut it down. It has always been a favorite for the grandchildren and it will be sad to have it gone for good.

Everyone thought that it was a really bad idea to cut the tree down because it had been growing for so long and surrounded the power lines. But grandpa still wanted to cut the tree down so the men all gathered at grandma's Saturday morning to cut down the tree.

Some great times were had with that tree and on that swing! It's sad that it is being cut down.

While the guys were cutting down the tree I was able to watch these two cuties! They are so adorable and it was fun to spend some time with them! Aneesa was so funny and Chevelle is so sweet and so much fun to listen to after she warms up to you. She talks about just about anything she can think of, I love being around my little cousins. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family and that we can be so close to each other.

More to come about the weekend and more concerning these two and their fiftieth anniversary...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reading Day Take one...

Bright blue nails (Check)

Cute new hat (Check)

New Sunglasses (Check)

New Movie (Check)

Oh and some studying for children's lit studying... overall good day!!!! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Have I mentioned that the BYU library loves me!? Case in point:
Last year I had a late fee at the library. It wasn’t much it was only a couple of dollars, but it wasn’t too bad. I went to the library to go check out a book and the guy at the desk told me that I couldn’t get a book because I had a fine, but since it was the first time I had been given a fine he could clear it for me and I could check the book out. I thought that that was cool and I was glad that I hadn’t had to pay my fine.
This year I had a project for my children’s lit class. This project was so much fun and I had a great time doing it. For the project I needed to choose and author, I picked Roald Dahl, and then I had to give a presentation concerning the author and his books. Great project right!? It really was so much fun but every time I went to the library I checked out more books. Little did I know the children’s books at the library cannot be renewed. I thought that I had renewed all of the books that I had and that they were due the day of my presentation. Well the day of my presentation I went to the library with a duffle bag (I really did have many) full of books to return them. While I was checking them in I realized that most of the books in my bag were due a while ago and that I probably had fines on them. The BYU library charges a dollar for every day a book is late. So I had at least a ten dollar fine. Of course I didn’t want to pay it until I had to so I avoided paying it for a while. A few weeks later my roommate and I were going to do a movie night so we went to check out some movies. In order to check out the movies I had to pay my library fine so I went to the front desk. When I got there I mentioned to the lady at the front desk that I had a fine that I needed to pay so that I could check out some movies. The lady took my card and pulled up my account. She then said, “Well you haven’t had a fine for a while so I can just clear it for you” Isn’t that so amazing! So now, going into finals I just have to remember that at least the Library loves me…

Monday, April 4, 2011

Best thing ever!

I'll admit we (At grandma's) watched this a few times on Sunday...


(I don't know how to upload the link but it is amazing if you take the time to look at it)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back SUN I have missed you! In celebration of this beautiful day I had an ice cream cone... Good thing I bought ice cream and cones on our shopping trip to Winco last week!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Yay for weekends!!!!

So today is my brothers birthday and he called me a few days ago to talk and mentioned that I hadn't updated my blog for a long time and that I should do it so this is for Josh... ;)
This week is so exciting for many reasons… I had Lu’au on Tuesday and Wednesday and it was aMaZinG!!! I performed in the Tahiti and Samoa sections. I think that Tahiti was my favorite just because it was so much fun to do. Tuesday was great but busy because I wanted to get all of my stuff done before Wednesday so that I could spend some time with my mother while she was in town. So Wednesday I went to classes and then went out to dinner with my mom, grandparents, Dick, Joan, Mindy, and Rachel. After dinner we headed to the WILK so that they could wait in Line and I could go get dressed!!! It was such a blast here are some of the pictures…
This girl is so gorgeous I love her!
Can't go without a jumping picture!!

This morning I rode my bike to school, now remember I have work at 4:30 so I don’t really know what the day is going to be like when I leave in the morning so I had no way of knowing that it was going to snow!!! Utah weather! It’s not that it’s horrible but it is quite predictable about being unpredictable… So I had my bike at school and by the time I was ready to go home it looked like this.

Now? My roommate and I are having a movie marathon with some amazing movies…