Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Will to Change

This past month I have finished reading Gone With the Wind and A Christmas Carol. Each book had me thinking of our choices and our ability to change. In Gone With the Wind Scarlett O'Hara develops through the book but I don't feel that her true character changes, her main concern is her needs. Contrastingly, in A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is able to recognize a need for change and he works to change himself. My favorite part of the book is when Scrooge is standing at the grave with the Spirit but hasn't yet seen that it is his grave they are standing at:
"Are these the shadows of the things that will be or are they shadows of the things that may be, only? . . . Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which if persevered in, they must lead," said Scrooge. "But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. . ."
I love this part so much because it shows us the moment Scrooge learns he has the power to change. Scrooge realizes that there is a chance for him to change his future. He is later able to act on what he has learned and improve his life by repairing relationships with those around him.

Similarly we are able to change and grow. This blessing of change and growth comes to us because of the Savior's atonement. Without the atonement we would be stuck. No growth would occur because our mistakes would be permanent. Luckily we have a loving brother in Jesus Christ and he has made it possible for us to look with hope to our future. When we make a mistake we can change it. We have the opportunity to change our course and change our ends.

We are blessed with the ability to use Christ's atonement to change us. As you look forward to this new year look to Christ to help you grow and make the changes you see necessary! Trust in God and trust that you can change!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Joys of Life

STRESS!!!!! That has been my life recently and I’m falling behind on E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! So much so that, even though I thought of it all month, I didn’t even stop to do my November post until now… DECEMBER 1st! (I’m still counting it, I’m too invested to miss my 27 by 27 because of something as trivial as a date!)

I had decided to write about some joys in my life for November because, despite the stress, there are so many things to be grateful for… I think I’ll go with 27 to fit the theme for the year.

1.     This month, just in time for stake conference I finished re-reading the Book of Mormon. As I read I was marking references of Christ and is was great to see how many different references of Christ were found in the pages. Even with all my finds I know there is more. The whole book is a testimony of Christ so He can be found throughout!
2.     My family, they are so sweet and supportive. I am so lucky to have them close so I can spend time with them.
3.     I have almost finished the data collection part of my thesis project! I just need to get a few more parents to fill out a survey and then I can start the data analysis. I’m really excited to see how things turn out. I feel like my Homework Challenges have been going really well this year and the students are really responding to the challenges I’m giving them.
4.     The Atonement, I am filled with the joy due to the knowledge that we can change and become more than we currently are. I am so grateful that Christ lived for us and is our advocate with our Heavenly Father.
5.     My roommates and adopted roommates are such a joy in my life! They are constantly making me smile!
6.     Music… need I say more.
7.     I have an amazing class and such wonderfully supportive class parents.
8.     My team, they make the days so much better. Especially when I am stressing over what to do with my students.
9.     My car, it took me forever to find a car but I am so glad I kept looking. I love my car!
10.  My calling, I am a Relief Society teacher in my ward and I love taking the time to study the manual. Having the responsibility gets me to be more active in what I do.
11.  The Falling leaves, as much as I love all the seasons the colorful leaves are one thing I will never tire of.
12.  Books, Gone with the Wind is slowly coming along but I love the chance to escape to another world.
13.  My Job, kids are the cutest and I love the chance I have to interact with them on a daily basis. Earlier this week one of the 5th graders came up to me and said, “Miss Fiso, you are the most positive teacher!” I just love that I have the chance to brighten the day of others.
14.  Revelation, I am always happy to receive guidance for my life. I don’t know what to do a lot of the time so it is nice to know that when I ask for help I can receive it.
15.  Temples, the temple is such a peaceful experience whenever I go. I am thankful that there are so many in such a short distance.
16.  My couch, I know it is funny and I don’t use it very much but I really love my little couch in all its glory!
17.  My Ukulele, I am so happy when I have the time or make the time and just play my Uke. I’m not too great but it is so fun to just sing and strum.
18.  The delay on the snow, I really need to get my breaks checked so, as much as I love the snow, I am happy every day I wake up and see no snow on the ground.
19.  My phone, I love my phone isn’t it crazy to see how fast technology evolves!
20.  Honesty, sometimes it’s not what I want to hear but there really is a joy that comes from truth.
21.  Vacation days, breaks from school always come at just the right time and I am always happy to have some extra time to myself.
22.  People who will support me in my goals, I have so many people who have been so supportive of my 27 by 27 and trying to find ways to help me accomplish my goals. I love having such positive people in my life.
23.  Sunrises, usually I miss them but I have been sleeping in recently and I have seen some breathtaking sights on my drive to work.
24.  Bread, the smell of fresh bread just makes me so happy.
25.  Games, I love the strategy involved in playing new games and the joy of figuring things out.
26.  Sales, I got some great new stuff on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and got a great deal on them it was quite joy inducing.

27.  My Kitchen Aide, I’ve had it for a year and I absolutely love having my mixer available when I get those urges to bake.

See, look at this GORGEOUS sunrise!