Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The perks of being a wallflower...

Okay maybe "the perks of being a catering worker" would be more correct but not a catchy, right? Well today I worked the BYU basketball game and it was awesome on many accounts! I was working right near the court so we (all the catering people) could hear everything going on. We also had some important guests come to eat...
Elder Perry
Elder Christofferson
and BYU's very own President Samuelson
Although we were there from BYU to cater the food was provided by Ruby River and they left some food for the catering workers to eat so after cleaning up and finishing our shift we were able to eat some free food from Ruby River (Steak, Chicken, Potatoes, Broccoli, and Bread pudding). It was all pretty good but the Teriaki Chicken was my favorite! I love my job and the fun that comes with it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

There comes a time...

When studying is the last thing you want to do and you just take your test. Well I reached that point and am proud to announce that I am done with my finals for the semester!!!! Yes, they will return (they are quite persistent) but I have a few months to enjoy in the meantime...

I got a new job! I will be TA'ing' for multicultural education, I'm so excited!

Guess what!? Elder Perry was attending the event I served at today! Yes, my job is great.

Friday, December 2, 2011


The second half of this week has been an interesting one...

On Wednesday I asked my father if I could borrow the car and he said it was fine. While driving him to work we stopped at a gas station so he could get a drink. As we were leaving the parking lot a driver (Not paying attention at all) hit the car! Nobody got hurt (except the car) but it was still not a comfortable feeling for me... It was not my fault but I was part of a car accident!!! Shocking I know...
Here is the damage
Well after the police came and made a report I took my father to work and hurried on my way to school so as not to be late for class. After class I had to hurry and get ready for the dance lab, my 380 class performed a west coast swing routine during the dance lab. I messed up at the very beginning but other then that it went well.
On Thursday I had medals exams! I tested for my Bronze Latin and my Social Gold classes. For Latin I danced the Rumba and the Samba, I passed with honors and am now qualified to teach it (if for some reason I ever decide to). For Social I danced the Cha-Cha, West Coast Swing, Waltz, and Tango! It was so much fun and I scored the highest score in my class ending up with a rating of high honors!!!! It was really fun for me and I got quite excited!
Then today we had a party in my class and I made some delicious cupcakes! After the party I came home and worked on my IP&T homework and I am proud to say that I only have one more thing to do before I am done with that class forever!!! Ohhh there is one more piece of news but I think I will wait for just a little bit longer before divulging...