Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summertime Catch-up

It  has been a while and a lot has happened, let me share. (By the way, these are in no real order I just decided I wanted to number them...)

First, I have been busy planning for my class next year. I decided to use a theme that involves music because I am such a fan of music... Right now I am leaning toward a rockstar theme but I don't want it to be too cliche (That's the biggest problem, everything has been done) so I will maybe twist it a little. I have been having so much fun planning out my classroom, I can't wait to see my class!!! Recently I was told that I will have 27 students. I am awed by the opportunity I have to teach these students and for the chance I have to be a part of their lives! I have also started my classroom library. Scholastic books has a warehouse sale twice a year. I was able to go and get a ton of books for my class. I also got some books from teachers as the school I will be teaching at! I am super excited!!!

Second, the pools opened on Monday, I went to Seven Peaks (Yay for the Pass of All Passes) and played in the water for a little while. I ended up getting a little bit of a sunburn, as funny as it seems I was really excited about it because it means Summer is finally here!

Third, the Provo Rec Center opened up. I bought an annual pass and I have enjoyed going to different classes and relaxing in their pool. I actually saw one of my fifth graders there when I went one time, funny story.

Fourth, I was able to go to see my fifth grade class one more time (They got out last week) to watch their program. It was great. After the program they asked me to stay for the end of the day. I ended up going out to recess with them and they wanted to play big booty. We ended up with such a big group that we had two games going, craziness!!!

Fifth, I have had the chance to do a lot of reading... I love to read and Summer is the best time to do it! One day when I was at the Provo Library I met the nicest librarian, she took me around just suggesting and talking about different books that I might enjoy. It was the greatest thing!

Because I love to share YouTubes I will share a new one that I found the other day. I love the song "Over You" by Miranda Lambert, it is not what you think. I discovered this cover the other day and it gave me chills I have always been a fan of Cassadee Pope (I liked Hey Monday) but I love the emotion she puts into this song.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Today was great! I was able to go to my mom's ward and sing with her and other family. After that we stopped by Grandma Fiso's grave and left some flowers. We then went up to Morgan to spend some time with Grandma Dickson and my mom's family. It was great. I love my mom and I am so thankful for the example she is to me...

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Broken Record

So I've broken my first bone and I almost didn't figure it out. I guess I had to break something eventually and better a finger than a leg, right? 

A few weeks ago for FHE they (the people in charge of FHE) decided that we were going to get together to play a game involving an exercise ball. While we were playing the ball got jammed into my finger and it started to swell (I talked about it a little bit here). I put some ice on it and went home. It was sore (When I moved my pinkie finger it stung) but I could still move it so I thought it was probably just sprained. I created a splint out of a Popsicle stick and kept it on my finger for a few days until it was feeling well enough that I could move my finger without a lot of pain. It was still swollen but it hurt less. Yesterday my finger was hurting and the swelling had gone down but my finger still looked funny and I decided that going to the doctor wouldn't be a bad idea. I had an appointment today and after taking a look at my X-Rays the doctor told me that it was broken and I should splint it for a few more weeks in hopes that it gets better and the swelling goes away. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Seeking the Light

Today in Relief Society our President gave a great lesson based on Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from last conference "The Hope of God's Light". The talk was a great one and the lesson brought up many ideas that I had not previously considered...

To me, the most interesting idea that showed up from the lesson is the idea of light vs. dark. When thinking about the light and the dark I decided that there is not really such a thing as darkness. It is not tangible you cannot 'create' darkness. Darkness only comes when you remove the light. When you fill your life with light there is no darkness. Darkness cannot be where the light is and that is something that I often forget but at the same time it is something that is crucial to remember. If we are constantly putting light in our life we are removing all traces of darkness because they cannot dwell together after all darkness is defined as the absence of light. One day in institute we referred to the water bottle metaphor. We talked about how when you fill the water bottle with water or good things (Light) there is no room for air or sin (darkness) but if you get rid of some of the water there is more room for air. By filling our bottle with light we are removing all darkness because the darkness cannot occupy the areas where there is light.

In his address President Uchtdorf refers to John 8:12 "I am the light of the word: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life". Through following the Savior we are able to continue in our growth and live to fulfill our potential. The idea of light and its application in the gospel fascinates me and I hope that as I study the scriptures and the words of our prophets that I will continue to learn more about the light and how to have it in my life.

Elder Bednar did a three part series concerning the ideas of light, this is the first.

By the way... My 100th post! Go me!!!