During Practicum I rented the Book Click Clack Moo to teach my wonderful first-graders about letter writing formats. I didn't turn this book in until it was late but I was in a hurry when I went to turn it in and I couldn't pay the fine at the moment. I then forgot that I even had a fine... Today I was checking out five books for my literacy class and the Librarian told me I had a $6.00 fine for Click Clack Moo. I gave her money to pay for it and she looked at my card, gave it back, and told me she could wave the fine for me this time but to be careful about the due dates.
In case there was any doubt... superpower still intact and I have to say: as a future teacher this could come in handy! :)
Also last night I was in the front room with my roommates and a few others playing Apples to Apples. After getting tired of Apples to Apples we played the nap game. Now the nap game is brilliant! I can't believe I've never played before all those days babysitting this would have been perfect. How to Play: You send a person out of the room (This person can be called the Nap Fairy unless the term fairy is offensive) they then count to whatever while everyone else assumes a sleeping position. The Nap Fairy then comes back into the room and chooses the best sleeper... Don't be jealous when I tell you that we played this game for about half an hour.
It amazes me what people can do when they put their minds to it. I love this!
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