I have been asked so many times what I am doing this Summer and really I have nothing to do, no classes and no job so I am free to do a whole lot of nothing with occasional activities thrown in so here is what I have been busy doing...
My family moved to Utah and until they have a place to put it I get to keep the piano in my house so I have been practicing and, hopefully, improving...

My wonderful Aunt Angie helped me to make a swimsuit!

I decided I was going to learn how to decorate a cake so I made a cake, a fondant, and frosting and this is what my first attempt ended up looking like... (It didn't taste so bad either)

Trying new hair styles and nail styles

(So I haven't tried this yet but I will when my hair is longer)

Making cards and super cute book marks

I have also been reading a lot of books (almost a book a day) I'm about out of ideas for what to read so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!!

Oh and Happy 7-11 day Hope you all enjoyed your slurpee's I know I did!

I can't see all of the pictures!