This weekend I got so much done and I was able to listen to the prophets for hours!!! Amazing right!? I got everything done and decided maybe, since I have time, I should update my blog (It's been a while..)
I started working at DI... So much fun! I was on register and it was awesome fun :)
I rode a horse!!!! Despite the fact that I'm allergic I had a blast for those few hours. If I wasn't so allergic I think I would now want a horse!

Birthday!!! I turned 19 so now I'm old right? I didn't do much for my birthday, but I got clothes from my family :)
I can't think of anything else that happened in July so I'll move on...
I saw Kelly and Colleen!!! Although we were in the same state all (or most) of the Summer we did nothing together! :(

I got Psych from Colleen and became addicted (Yes I can find the pineapple)
Graduated from Summer institute
DeAnna's awesome birthday party! We went to Mandalay Bay Beach with the girls and then later a party at her house with the guys (oh and cici's mac and cheese pizza!)

Pool party/Photo shoot at Marissa's with the girls (Woot! Woot!)

Packed all of the stuff I accumulated over the Summer and drove to Utah (P.S. the A.C. was working for this trip!)
Went to Morgan and saw family up there before moving into my new house for the school year (I'll give you the address if anyone wants to visit, or write... *wink wink*)
Mattie's Farewell (Going away talk) And Robbie's homecoming (Coming back talk)

Met all of my amazing roommates (Really, AMAZING)

Started school and survived the first day! (Thats always a good thing)
Went to the First Football game of the season which we won! (YAY!) and then watched or went to the others, which we lost :(

Temple trip with Stephanie! No school on Fridays mean good day for Temple visits!

COUNTRY SWING DANCE!!!!! (Need I say more)
Boot shopping with Steph and Bri. Steph found some amazing boots! I'm still looking :(
Got a job!!! Early morning custodial (4:30-8:00 Monday to Friday) I'll adjust I'm sure...
Volleyball and soccer games!
Cupcakes with Abigail
Bonfire with Bri and Abigail

Visit to Provo Bakery! Yumm and it's right down the street from my house!
Trip to American Fork for General Conference weekend!
While there I got to drive! That alone made my weekend!
General conference I couldn't choose a favorite talk they were all amazing!
Shakes and cheese fries at JCW's after the Priesthood session!
Overall and amazing few months but I promise I will write more often from now on!