Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sundays are the best!

So there is this elderly woman in my ward who is really cute and she likes to call me her angel. I have no idea what her name is, I just know that she is really sweet. Well whenever she see's me in church she always says, "oh here's my angel how are you?" and I'll answer in whatever way works the best... Well today I was subbing for my moms primary class and while we were waiting to enter the primary room this lady shows up with a friend and introduces me as her angel. She said to her friend, "This is my angel. On my first Sunday in this ward I was lucky enough to sit next to her. She is so sweet and kind and I just love to listen to her sing!" Her friend asked if I could be an angel for another person and she replied, "No she is my angel" Isn't that so cute this lady always makes me feel so good about myself when I see her! When I told my parents what happened my dad said "Yeah when you are gone she comes up to me every week asking how you are doing up at school" It just amazes me that she shows this interest in me because I really haven't talked to her and I don't even know her name...

1 comment:

  1. What does she look like? I will have to see if I know who it is. That is too cute!

    I would be saying the same thing you are if I wasn't working or going to school. I go stir crazy quick!
