to the end of the semester I'm just dreaming of Summer. But in the mean time I am having a blast here in Provo. On Friday Kimber and I went to the Volleyball game with one of her friends which was a lot of fun (We won the game) And then on Saturday I had practice for choir early in the morning because of our concert tomorrow. It was fun and we accomplished so much! (You try to cram over 100 people into a choral setup in the Provo tabernacle, it is hard work!) Well after that practice I went to play the piano! It was so much fun to just go play I wish I knew how to play like most of my cousins... They are amazing!!!
Then bri and I went to The Brick Oven before going to the volleyball game. I haven't been there all year so it was a lot of fun. We both got so stuffed before our pizza came, Bri ate all of her salad and I ate all of my bread ;), that we each could only eat one piece of our pizza!!! So during dinner Bri and I were having problems... When the waitress asked me if I wanted soup or salad I thought I had said salad but in reality had said soup (I was really confused when she started listing off soups). Then when I got my salad I said to Bri, "I like these croutons" but she thought I said "I like their coupons" bahahaha
After eating we went to the volleyball game and Kelly met us there. It was a fun game and we had a good view of the players and started to nickname the other team’s players. There was:
Grandpa- forty year old who had problems with his shorts (He tucked them into his underwear... Weird!)
Big Bird- He was really tall and skinny and his face looked like a bird.
Flabs- This was Kelly's and Bri's decision
Little Boy- One of the players had a young face
*Side note*
So when Kelly and I went to get our licenses (we went at the same time) we would watch the people conducting the test and coincidentally give them nicknames. One of the guys was Big bear (looked scary but was harmless) Kelly took the test from him. And the other main nickname was Bumblebee (this lady was wearing yellow, like a jumpsuit not just a shirt, and rushing around everywhere) I took the test from her.
*Okay done*
At one point of the game Cosmo came out dressed in a Spiderman outfit. It was pretty awesome and then he came up to our little group sat on my lap and put his legs on Bri and Kelly (Kinda random huh!?) But the game was awesome and we won! :)

After the game bri and I went to see Colleen and we talked for a very long time. It was so much fun. Isn't it just pathetic that I don't see Kelly and Colleen more often!?

Funny Stories...
First: I went to the bank today and while I was waiting for the bus to school some random, and kinda creepy guy smiled at me. Being the nice person I am I smiled back and then promptly put in my headphones and turned on my IPOD but the guy didn't take the hint. He came up and started talking to me and I couldn't just ignore him so I was talking to him. He asked me what bus I was taking and I said I didn't know and asked what bus he was taking (I was definitely not getting on the same bus as him) he asked my name so out of courtesy I told him and asked his. He answered and then his bus got there. He stood up and asked for my number so he could take me on a date...

Ummm NO! (Well I was nicer then that. But why is it that all the creeps like to be there when I'm getting on the bus or have no one to talk to!?!?!? This is not the first time something like this has happened Grrrr!!!)
Second: I was early for class, sitting in the JSB waiting for American heritage to start and one of the TA's had a microphone and asked if anyone was just dying to pray for the last American Heritage lecture. Surprisingly some kid in the very back raised his hand so of course he got the mic. When Professor Pope walked into the classroom the student with the microphone claimed to be Professor Pope's conscience and told him to give all of the students A's and stuff like that and then stated that Professor Pope should stop eating so many Donuts. Professor Pope just laughed. It was an interesting last day of class...

You crack me up! Reading this makes me miss my college days - they were so much fun! We can't wait to get you back for summer :)
ReplyDelete♪Sooo close...and yet so far!♫ Oh man! cummon Corrine, free food! Just cause a guy you don't know asks you out doesn't mean he's creepy! He seemed really nice to me! Yea for stuffing yourself full of Brick Oven & having nursing home conversations.