Monday, February 4, 2013


I read a great article this morning before going to school... I love the point that Elder Anderson shares through this article. In the article he talks about wisdom in the world today and then relates it to the Gospel. Here are a few of my favorite parts along with my thoughts (Because let's face it I always have an opinion):

"The wisdom of the world, while in many cases very valuable, is most valuable when it humbly bows to the wisdom of God"  I love that Elder Anderson recognizes that the wisdom of the world can be valuable. I think that often we are taught that the things of this world are horrible and that isn't the case. This things of this world have their place and their purpose but we benefit from having a knowledge of God's plan and His wisdom. The main thing to remember is to keep perspective and I love the way Elder Anderson reminds us to keep this perspective.

"We can pole-vault over many of the sad experiences that come in life by obtaining wisdom early..." Here he is talking of the wisdom that we gain through others. Yes we remember a lesson better when we learn from experience but if we can observe what happens to others and learn from that we will be able to 'pole-vault' those experiences and continue our growth. Elder Anderson tells us to be reflective and obtain wisdom early which helps us in the long run.

Although we can learn wisdom we do not know everything "we should realize the limitations of this wisdom" Elder Anderson talks of different professions and the importance of professional wisdom. You would not want a teacher performing surgery on you and you would not want a surgeon teaching your children. Both careers mentioned have a set of knowledge that correlate with them and neither is more important. They are both important and they both deserve respect.

These are just a few of my favorite parts of the talk but if you do have a few minutes I would suggest that you read it. I love the connections that Elder Anderson makes between wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God.

Knowledge comes in many ways... when we turn to the Lord we are welcoming knowledge from Him and he will help us 'pole-vault' to where we need to be.

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