A few weeks ago we were working on a little assignment. It wasn't something I was going to grade (Yes, it's true not everything gets graded). But it was a fun Valentine's math worksheet I was having my students work on. I have one student who really struggles despite how hard she tries. Student 16 came up to me after a while of working and told me she was doing it wrong and she needed a new paper. I told her it was fine, don't worry about the mistakes and to just do her best on what she had left. I didn't have any extras and it wasn't a good time to go make a copy. The students worked on it for a little while longer and then I asked everyone to put it away.
As the students were putting it away I noticed student 16 sitting with her head on her desk, crying. Student 16 is one of my happiest students and I was surprised to see her crying. It turns out another student had seen her paper and told student 16 that she was going to get a bad grade. This sweet girl was crying because she was worried about having a bad grade. I reminded student 16 that we had talked and she was fine but she was still really worried. I didn't think any more of it until this afternoon.

As I was passing out a few papers (Not something I usually do) I saw an envelope labeled to me from student 16. I opened it up and the letter inside really shook up my emotions and helped me to realize that I need to be more positive and loving to these sweet kiddo's that I get to work with! Apparently the situation with the Valentine's math page was weighing heavily on her because she wrote me the sweetest apology letter.
"Hi Miss Fiso I am trying say sorry doing that to you I always be mad because I did mistakes on math and am to sorry Miss Fiso"
As I looked at this letter it struck me that, to me the math page wasn't a big deal but it was a big deal to her. She was devastated because of her mistakes and having another student bring attention to it didn't help. As I worried about the situation I thought of how student 16 is amazing! Yes, she struggles at school with academics but she is the most cheerful student with such a wonderful attitude. She is always willing to try and is such a sweet student and hard-worker. I am happy to have her in my class this year!
It is true that everyone has something they can contribute, it's what makes our world so colorful. As stressful as some colors, or people, can be it is important to recognize every single one for what they are. They are Children of God with eternal potential and we need to love them for who they are! When we can do that our lives become so much brighter because we are filled with love for those around us!
I know I've posted it before but this video really is one of my favorites!
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