Abigail: Guess what!? Victoria’s secret has a sweat shop!
Brianna: Like where they sell only sweats?

Abigail: You guys my light is retarded!
Brianna: Did it burn out?
Abigail: No, there was a big flash and then it went dim!
U of U Boys: Do you know where and bars are?
Brianna: I have three on my phone…

Brianna: Josh did you see when it hit you in the face?
Josh: Yeah I was there when it happened…
(No picture for this one...)
Stephanie: (Talking about clogging positions) It could be like the song, “redhead on my right and brunette on my left” but neither of you is blonde or brunette…
Corrine: Ummm steph I’m a brunette.
Kimber: Me too!
Stephanie: Oh I guess I didn’t really know what it was…

Kimber: Hi! I’m Mattie and you’re Kimber. I mean you’re Mattie and I’m Kimber.

Erika: I’m going to bind you up like Nephi
Brianna: so you can’t cook at all this weekend?
Corrine: Brianna I’m just not allowed to communicate with people electronically
Brianna: well some people communicate with food!

Brianna: we were at sonic, we were at sonic, we were at sonic ... Entire story later ……
Morgan: wait, where were you?
Brianna: we were at sonic
Corrine: you imagined the wrong story!

Erika: sorry I’ve been such a flake
Lauren: frosted?
Hahaha and football games were fun as well here is an example of what goes on during them:

This year has been great but I'm so done being a freshman! :)