My great friend Miss Megan Mitton is on her mission in Georgia. Megan and I met about a year ago at work (We had been at the same job for a year and hadn't met) and we clicked! She is one of my favorite people and I miss her, but she sends regular emails! Yesterday was her birthday and she sent me an email telling me that I should dance to Taylor Swift's 22 for her because she couldn't. I decided to upgrade the idea and include our mutual friend. Conviniently we were all at the retirement reception for one of our bosses and we cranked up the music to dance for Megan's Birthday! I love my friends oh so much that they would do something so quirky with me! :) Here are some pictures of our dance party (I couldn't very well send her a video...)
Missy and I started it off....
Soon to be joined by everyone else (well, everyone there)
And because I feel like it, here are some pictures!
We were really bad at taking a sad picture, I ended up getting
pushed to the floor,,,
At Halloween
We once went to the Brigham City Temple Open House Also, Megan has challenged people to post a Mormon Message each week and I have been slacking... But here goes!
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful dad (and all the dad's out there). I hope that you feel appreciated and know how much you are loved! Continue to be so amazing, I am glad for the example in my life.
... then I have some pretty bizarre wishes! I never ever remember my dreams, everyone has been sharing their 'teacher' dreams with me and I haven't remembered mine. But, it has happened, I had my first 'teacher' dream last night. It was quite random! Here is the dream:
It was the first day of class and when I walked in the room I realized that the room was 'U' shaped. The desks were all facing the middle of the 'U' (So it wasn't possible to see everyone at once unless you stand behind the desks). In addition to the shape of the room, there were tons of desks and they were all filled with students and parents. There was a guy teaching the class, my class, I had no idea why. Then one of my practicum teachers walked in and took over teaching. I decided to sit in a desk. After a few minutes of teaching she turned to me and said "Shouldn't you be teaching?" so I got up and started to teach but nobody was listening. I tried to get everyone's attention but nobody heard. Then the bell rang, all the children left but all the parents stayed and were looking at me. There was one mom in front who had a piece of paper in front of her and she started consulting it while firing questions at me about how I was going to teach their students and how long I was going to be in school after the bell rings. Was I going to help the kids put on a lu'au? I calmed her worries with answers from my management plan (No idea how that worked and then all the parents left). The guy that was teaching earlier was still in the room. He told me to follow him as it was my turn to teach art.
I started following him down the hallway and realized that my school had its own swimming pool and ice rink! When I commented on it he told me that I would be teaching swimming and ice skating in the future but for now to just focus on art but not to worry because I had volunteers to help me with the art teaching. When we got to the art room I saw my volunteers. One volunteer was a boy from my freshman ward and the other was the brother of a friend from Vegas. They told me that the kids had already had their lesson and it was time to go to lunch so we left for the lunchroom.
While walking in the hall to lunch I saw all of my ELED friends talking about their internships but I knew nothing about mine so I hurried along to the microwave so that I could cook my lunch. I opened up my bag of popcorn (What else would I have?) and put it in the microwave for three minutes then I went to sit down. Jonathan (from catering) was sitting by the microwave and said, "Corrine, I think your popcorn is done" I walked back over and saw that the bag was not done (it was still popping) but it was huge! It was almost taking up the whole microwave. I told him not to worry because the popcorn was still popping but that I would stay there to make sure nothing went wrong. Then from the table next to me Chef Mindy (Also catering) told me that I didn't know how to make popcorn and there was something wrong with it. I was so upset, I know how to make popcorn! But then I noticed that the popcorn looked weird almost as if there was some aluminum foil around the bag, which I know can't go in the microwave so I decided I was done cooking my popcorn. I opened the microwave door a crack to get out my popcorn but just at that moment the bag exploded and all the popcorn was set free. I closed the door quickly, trapping all of the popcorn inside of the microwave. By now the popcorn filled every space of the microwave and I decided that the only way to clean it up was to open the microwave while holding a trash can up. I got the trash can into place pulled open the microwave door and woke up!
I read an amazing conference talk by Elder Ashton the other day called 'On Being Worthy'. He starts of by talking about the meaning of the word worthy and the way we determine our worthiness. Often we are under the impression that we decide whether we are worthy or not. While that is true we are not the only ones who judge our worthiness. Elder Ashton states "We do not have to be hindered by self-Judgement. All of us have the benefit and added wisdom of a bishop and a stake president to help us determine our worthiness..." We are not alone, we have the wisdom of others to help us find our way.
Elder Ashton defines worthiness as "a process, and perfection is an eternal trek. We can be worthy to enjoy certain privileges without being perfect". Today in Relief Society we were talking about Temples and being worthy to enter the Temple. We came to the conclusion that as long as we are making an effort to be perfect we are worthy of the Temple and the blessings that come from visiting the Temple.
Sometimes I struggle with where I am in the gospel. I often feel that I am missing something because I judge my worthiness through comparison to others. I know that this is not wise and that it is a result of pride. Elder Ashton addresses this struggle in his talk.
"Perhaps we all live under some misconceptions when we look at each other on Sundays as we attend our meetings. Everyone is neatly dressed and greets each other with a smile. It is natural to assume that everyone else has his life under control and doesn't have to deal with dark little weaknesses and imperfections. There is a natural, probably a mortal, tendency to compare ourselves with others. Unfortunately, when we make these comparisons, we tend to compare our weakest attributes with someone else's strongest. For example, a woman who feels unschooled in the gospel may take particular note of a woman in her ward who teaches the Gospel Doctrine class and seems to have every scripture at her fingertips. Obviously these kinds of comparisons are destructive and only reinforce the fear that somehow we don't measure up and therefore we must not be as worthy as the next person. We need to come to terms with our desire to reach perfection and our frustration when our accomplishments or behaviors are less than perfect. I feel that one of the great myths we would do well to dispel is that we've come to earth to perfect ourselves, and nothing short of that will do. If I understand the teachings of the prophets of this dispensation correctly, we will not become perfect in this life, though we can make significant strides toward that goal."
I have only addressed a few of the ideas from this talk but I would suggest that everyone go through and read this talk because I feel like is is something that everyone should hear.