I had the opportunity to teach the lesson this week in Relief Society. This was a new experience for me (I was subbing, it was a one time thing ;) ) but it was a good experience for me. This week the lesson was based on a talk You Matter to Him by President Uchtdorf an amazing talk if you haven't read it you should! If you get bored or you want an esteem boost look it up. We had a great discussion concerning the points made in this talk and I wanted to share what I learned through the discussion today...
The first point I want to share is the idea of the paradox of man. The idea that "compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God" I think it is important to recognize the importance of perspective in our lives. I am not so great as I would like to be, I make mistakes, I sin, and there is always something I 'could have done better' but at the same time I am a Daughter of God. Christ performed the infinite atonement for my benefit. He cares about me and that makes me worth it!
According to President Uchtdorf, Satan recognizes the paradox of man and appeals to the extremes of the paradox. Some people he leads to feel prideful, "he tells them that they have transcended the ordinary and that because of ability, birthright, or social status, they are set apart...". Others he leads to feel as though they are insignificant or that they are of not worth. Through appealing to the extremes Satan is manipulating people and they are losing perspective. By recognizing that the paradox of man depends upon God's perspective we are able to recognize the importance of it.
"God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior's example and spend the days of their lives doing good". We don't need to be famous, and we don't need to seek for recognition; we only need to trust in God and live by being an example to others. Everything we do will have an effect on someone else! We must not ever get caught in the idea that we are worthless because in reality every second counts. We are always doing something that will effect someone else. Even if it is something as silly as buying a piece of gum every action taken will reach farther than yourself and it is important to keep that in mind and recognize that the way you spend your time, the activities you choose to participate in are effecting people other than yourself!
Okay so this video gets a little corny about halfway through but it is an amazing idea to help us keep perspective!
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