Josh bought a Coke machine from a yard sale a while back and was storing it at the neighbors across the street. Well the neighbors were moving so Josh needed to move his machine elsewhere. The only problem was that the Coke machine was a bit heavy... So Josh called in reinforcements (Jason and a friend from the ward).
Joe decided he would watch from the comfort of grandma's living room and eat popcorn while enjoying the show... ;)
This is James he is Lisa's son and so cute! We were at the Fiso family Christmas party and he decided that he would have a conversation with the hat... I don't know what he got out of it but it was a pretty lively conversation!

We had Christmas at grandma's house which was different but still good. She let me set the table for Christmas Eve dinner and we got to use some of her nice china which was really exciting!
After dinner and a movie or two we decided it was time to open presents (Okay really Joe couldn't wait any longer to open his Christmas PJ's). So we opened presents and then went to sleep so that Santa could come. Santa came and Christmas was awesome... No, really. Most everyone came to grandma's for Christmas dinner and it was great fun!
*** Sidenote: while talking to my cousins my cousin Sam asked me if I told my college friends about them to which I responded, "not really, what do you want me to tell them?" he said he didn't really care but I should talk about them so here is me telling you what awesome cousins I have!!!! And of course how would you know how cute they are if there were no pictures!? (The pictures are a bit dated... whoops!)

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