Once upon a time the mirror on the passenger side of my car started to come off. Being a responsible adult (maybe a bit of an exaggeration) I put off fixing it and temporarily fixed it with an outdoor version of superglue until I went off track. In January, I think, I went to Nissan and talked to them about getting it fixed. The guy helping me (We'll say Joe) talked about how most parts come not painted so I may have to pay extra to get it white but he would have to see if that was the case when they found the part. I sat in the dealership for maybe an hour waiting for Joe to see if he could find the part to fix my car. Joe finally came back and told me that he found a mirror that was painted (Yay!) and would order it in. He had me sign a confirmation page before telling me that when the part came he would call me. I got busy with other things (went back to school) and a while later (a month or so) realized that the call hadn't come.
I was a little confused that I hadn't heard anything and decided to call to see what was going on with the part. When I called I was shocked to hear that I, apparently, had been in earlier that week to get the part. I assured them that I most definitely had not and my mirror was still broken. Believe it or not, they never called me and then gave away my part! It turns out Joe is no longer working there. I don't know if that is why I never got a call but it was a mess to figure out! After clearing up a lot of confusion the new person helping me went to look up the part for me and found a mirror that was more expensive and NOT painted! I was frustrated that through no mistake of mine I was expected to pay more to get my car fixed. I decided to wait, once again, to fix my car in hopes that I could figure out another option.

Last time the call never came so I decided to be proactive and I called Jane this morning to check on my part. She was busy helping someone else so I left a message for her to call me back. About an hour later I got a phone call from Jane. She said she was told I had called and she had looked up the part for me. My luck being as it is I got to hear the following, "Even though the computer says we have the part and you paid for the part, it never got shipped because we don't have a part." Jane then told me that she was looking into other options for me so we can get my car fixed and she would call me back before the end of the day.
A little while later I got another phone call from Jane. They had found another mirror but it comes black so I would have to get it painted so my options were...
- Buy one new mirror and leave it black.
- Buy two new mirrors and have them be the same, both black.
- Buy one new mirror and pay to get it painted white.
Well... choice one would drive me crazy, and choice two would cost a lot more money so, for me the best option for me was choice three. I told Jane that I would like to get the part painted and asked when they would get the part in and be ready to do the work. She confirmed for me that it would take two weeks.
So now is the waiting game to see if this actually pans out. The good news is it's Fall so the colors outside are gorgeous and conference is this weekend! Despite my frustrations I always feel joy when I get to hear the word of the Lord through the living prophets. We are so blessed to have the gift of revelation and the knowledge of the gospel! If you aren't already excited, this trailer should get you pumped!
#My27by27 Update
1. Picture a day- I haven't missed one yet!
2. Family History (3 Names)- Family search gave me two so now I have to go research and make sure they are legitimate.
3. Temple (3 times a month)- I've made it work the first two months.
4. Scripture buddy/study- This has been going well but I've been slacking some days.
5. Learn 10 hymns on piano and be ready to play them- I have learned two and I played them in Relief Society last week.
6. Go to two plays- I went to see Newsies at Tuacahn!
2. Family History (3 Names)- Family search gave me two so now I have to go research and make sure they are legitimate.
3. Temple (3 times a month)- I've made it work the first two months.
4. Scripture buddy/study- This has been going well but I've been slacking some days.
5. Learn 10 hymns on piano and be ready to play them- I have learned two and I played them in Relief Society last week.
6. Go to two plays- I went to see Newsies at Tuacahn!
8. Five Runs- I have done two (Temple to Temple run, and Color Run) and will be signing up for one in October (BYU Sugar rush)
13. Try something new (2 a month)- I have been doing this each month, it's been good! This month I tried a new hairstyle and something new at a restaurant.
15. Finish a journal- I have less than 20 pages left!!! This is BIG news!
16. Blog once a month- We're going strong on this one!
22. Finish the Standard Works (Seminary version)- I am to 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon and 2 Samuel in the Old Testament.
27. One act of service each week- This is one I am struggling with, I want to make it so my acts are intentional. More often then not I just look at what I have done and choose one to be my service for the week.
**If there is a number missing it's because I have done absolutely nothing with it thus far...**
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