You know those days that remind you of great times or that just make some of those great times for you to remember!? Well today was totally one of those days... It started out with school. Nothing special really but then I had to leave class and walk to the Marriott Center to get ready to sing at the devotional and once I got there it was a complete mess! No one knew what was going on (I have had these moments before) So we sang for the devotional and then I met with Karmila to do some scheming (Did I mention this was outside!? It is so pretty outside) Well after that I went to class and then home. When I got home I studied for my test and wished for a reason to be outside. After studying for a while I went to take my test and I passed!!!! (A 70, but for American Heritage that is Amazing!!!) After taking that test I got a text from Amy asking if I wanted to go outside and play!? Ummm DUH the answer is YES! So we found other people and ended up playing soccer on the WyView field. Although I love soccer I am such a bad soccer player and I just felt bad for everyone on my team (Yes that bad) While playing I lost track of time and ended up missing the bus back to campus... While walking to campus I decided to stop at dairy queen and get some ice cream. I got a medium twist dipped in cherry and it was so good but way to big for me (I should have gotten the small) When I got to school Bri and I went swing dancing and there were a couple of guys there who were so awkward! (One of them asked Bri "do you want to dance?" she said yes and the next words out of his mouth were "so do you want to go on a date?" Ummm yeah awkward) Then We took the bus home... But today was just so amazing! I love this weather that is sunny and cool at the same time! :)Oh and I also love having stuff to do! While we were playing soccer I was thinking how amazing it was that you can walk around and find enough people to start a game of soccer. I know this never happened when I was in Vegas! Ohhh I just love college!!!!
So we had a ward party at classic skating over the weekend 80's themed this way my best attempt

Ummm yeah this is us and we are awesome!

And this is Scott ooooookay...

I promise we did do some actual skating! Oh how I love skating (my legs are so sore)

And yes we made a train because we are that awesome!