So life as an intern is ridiculously busy and on Friday I just about had a breakdown. I had just had a meeting with my Facilitator (Mentor teacher) and found that I had 3-4 observations next week between Tuesday and Thursday. One by a BYU person and two from my principal. Then I went and had a meeting with my team and they filled me in on an assembly, kids marketplace, PLC times were being changed because of Parent teacher conferences coming up. On top of that I am in the middle of my teacher work sample, my TELL practicum (Certification for teaching English Learners), Math Benchmarks due on the 7th and a new end of year testing program starting on March 10th. I had to grade the tests from the week but I also had to plan some amazing lessons for these observations and make sure that I am meeting the needs of my students. In other words everything was coming at once and I was feeling extremely stressed. On the ride home I heard this song and I think it was playing just for me on that moment! ;)
Fast forward a few weeks...
Today I had what I hope is my last BYU evaluation as an intern... If not, I will survive. Then I got home and got an email about ordering a cap and gown for graduation. I got so giddy looking at everything for graduation. I was looking at announcements, and rings (I never got a class ring from high school), and caps and gown information (but there isn't much variety there). Then I got onto my BYU account and looked at my standing for graduation. It is so exciting to see all the "Completes" and only two "In Progress" notifications (My TELL Practicum and Internship) and I just want to point out I AM GRADUATING COLLEGE!!!!! I know that lots of people do it but I have always been so proud of myself for getting there and finishing. I have never been a decisive person but I knew when I signed up for college that I would finish it and yes it has been hard and there have been plenty of times that I have been sick of everything, but I can happily say that in April I will be Graduating from Brigham Young University with a B.S. in Elementary Education, a minor in TESOL, and a minor in Music!!!!!! ... and now I feel like this is the video for me! ;)
Also, my kiddo's are doing their wax museum tomorrow. Being the person that I am I told them to make their presentations interesting so I don't eat chips during their presentation... I showed the video first so they got the reference
Lastly... Just because I heard this today and fell in love here is an amazing cover of Say Something (Which has been stuck in my head for days... the song, not the cover). If you haven't seen it yet, you are welcome!