I was grading some math homework and getting frustrated with my kids. I know that it is not rational to be so upset by students struggling with their math but when I assigned the homework I told the students to take home their math journal to use when doing their homework... It was clear to me as I graded that they did not heed my advice and left their math journal's unopened as far as homework was concerned. The help they needed to get their homework was right in front of them yet they did not use it. To me as a teacher it was a frustrating thing. I finished my grading and finished getting ready for church.
I was in Sacrament meeting when I made a connection. I was blaming my students for not using the help that was right within their reach but so often I forget to use all the tools and resources provided for me by a loving Heavenly Father. I have the answers. I may have to look for them and study to find them but the answers I need will always be there for me because He cares about me and wants me to be able to do my best. I'm sure when Heavenly Father sees us doing things the wrong way He thinks, "Just look! I have given you the answer!" I am going to work on finding the answers that He has given me. Studying the scriptures and asking for help when I need it because, just as I will always help a struggling student He will always help a struggling child.
Also, I know I've shown this before but I love it so much!
Things have been so busy recently.... I have been enjoying times with my new roommates and living so close to my school was a brilliant idea! School pictures came, I have to say, mine are much better than last year (and I have enough pictures of myself to last a thousand graduations, hahaha)!
Living so close to school I have found a lot of time to go visit the Temple and last week when I went to visit the Temple I had a great experience and was reminded of the purpose of this life! I woke uup early on Saturday morning and headed to the Draper Temple. When I got there there was a group of people, about my age ready to enter for baptisms. I had the thought of, "I should hurry and get there before them so I don't need to wait for them" but I decided to just enter the Temple after them (there was no reason for me to rush) I was so glad I waited. I watched as they checked in and realized that for one of the girls it was her first time. Everyone who had come with her had already been through the Temple and worked to find family names specifically so they could join her on her first trip to the Temple. As they turned the corner there was a rush of excitement and the girl who was the center of the trip turned to one of the Temple workers and said, "Those are my parents". She had surprised her parents by coming to the Temple during their shift but that wasn't the best part. It turns out that the people with her were her siblings. It was such a cool reminder of the power the Temples have and the importance of family in our lives. It was so sweet to see this family band together and see their happiness of all being in the Temple together for the first time!
As Stephanie likes to say... Life? Life is good! Although it will be better in a couple of weeks when I get to listen to the Prophet's voice during General Conference!
You guys it's officially the last night of my Summer... Tomorrow is my third first day of third grade and I am finally ready for it!!!
Really though, I have put so much work this Summer into being organized. I have all kinds of things ready from last year I live much closer (Only a 10 minute drive to work) and I am so excited to meet my 25 lovely students tomorrow!
Also, I am kind of loving this new Taylor Swift song despite some of its eccentricities!
I'm sitting here procrastinating packing for my new move. It's happening, I am leaving Provo! I'm excited for this new adventure but had fun in my years here and after seeing a friends farewell to Provo I decided I wanted to do something similar and spend some time looking through old pictures of the years I spent in Provo... Here goes!
Wonderful roommates
Playing with friends
CES Firesides
Front row seats for President Uchtdorf
Monday Movie Nights
Football games
...with the occasional proposal
Country Swing Dancing
Volleyball games Galore
Temple Trips
Some fun hairstyles, including my first attempt at bangs!
And of course some serious studying leading to graduation!