Now maybe those of you reading this don't have this problem but I've been hearing it so much recently and I just thought I would share my opinion (I'm quite opinionated so it happens often)
Oftentimes (Often times) is not a word!!! People sound silly using that utterance and I cringe whenever I hear it. Oft times or often are perfect substitutes but oftentimes has never and will never work.
I found this explanation online (Yes I wanted to make sure I was right):
In terms of English grammar rules, it is impossible for "oftentimes" to be a real word. "Often" is an adverb. "Times" is a noun. Adverbs do not modify nouns. "Sometimes" works, however, because "some" is an adjective, while "times" is a noun. Adjectives modify nouns. Just because people use "oftentimes" does not make it correct. The correct terms to use in its place are "often" and "frequently."One more thing "anyways" is also incorrect, it should be "anyway"
So there you have it, two of my grammar peeves in one post!!
**I am in no way saying that I never make mistakes while speaking the English language. In fact, i'm sure I make quite a few. If you want to correct me go ahead and I will fix it! These are just some things that bother me.