I went to my family reunion and had so much fun kayaking, four-wheeling, and singing around the campfire with my family! (Acording to Levi "The Osmonds have nothing on us!") One day while up camping I went out on the kayaks with some family members and it got windy so we decided to get out of the water but Megan and Rachel were having a hard time paddling their Kayaks so I went to help them then aunt Mindy came to help me get them back to the campsite. Megan almost tipped over once but we finally got there! (Uncle Dave says he has pictures of this situation but I still haven't seen them...)
I went to 7 Peaks with my family and Karmila! While there Karmila got a veggie burger and the guy working at the grill looked exactly like Allen! It was quite crazy...j We had so much fun at 7 Peaks. I think my favorite rides are the boomerang and the vortex! :)
We celebrated the fourth up in Utah... on the third we went to watch the Stadium of Fire and the fireworks (We didn't have tickets so we just camped out on the ground with my cousins but it was fun and from our spot we could see Carrie Underwood!) Her performance was amazing I think the coolest thing that happened was when she was singing Jesus Take the Wheel, during the last chorus she did a key and song change to How Great Thou Art! It was amazing!!!! :) On the fourth we went to church and then dinner at Aunt Suzanne's and Uncle Glen's. After dinner we went to say hi to Aunt Melany, Uncle Paul, and Levi. While there we had to take pictures because of how big Levi is now! Keep in mind he is only 14!

I have finally started my Summer job and I am loving it! (Minus the riding to work 6 miles in the Vegas heat... But it is fun to have something to do finally... :)